Justin Smith

Justin Smith serves as the Director of Construction for Greystar Construction and Development. Greystar is a global leader in rental housing, offering expertise in investment management, development and construction, and property management worldwide. Our model integrates management, development, and investment disciplines of the multifamily apartment industry.

Smith directs the successful development and construction of Student Housing for On-campus and Off-campus projects. He has led the timely completion of several Public/Private (P3) Partnerships with Institutions such as U.C Berkeley, Boise State University and Sacramento State University. Smith leads projects through the financing stages, design management, construction and finally asset management life-cyle. These projects have covered the Western US in states such as California, Colorado, Hawaii, and Idaho. Under his direct leadership 1,356 units of housing or (3,200 beds) were constructed over the last 6 years, exceeding $422M in project value. He is particularly proud of projects such as Hale Mahana in Oahu, HI and Union on Plum in Fort Collins, CO.

Justin Smith holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and a Master’s in Business Administration in Investment & Real Estate Finance from The Ohio State University. He has served on the Board of the Northern California Land Trust and the H.A.R.D Bond Oversight Committee. He has also taught University and Community College courses in the subjects of Real Estate Investing, Computer Science, Business & Success Strategies. In 2020, he was proudly selected as a member of the 2020 ULI San Francisco Pathways to Inclusion Board.

Expertise: Construction & Development



Speaking Track

ASDSummit –
Multifamily Construction

ASDSummit focuses on innovation in the Multifamily sector.

Date & Time /

September 7, 2021 – 9am – 5pm / The Venetian
Session Topic

Construction Tech

Justin will share his insights on construction tech in the multifamily sector.